Align retains comprehensive curriculum data for a course, program, or any other learner experience down to the metadata level of each content item, activity, and assessment. That includes AI-assisted curriculum mapping to align with any skill, competency, outcome, or standard you can define, as well as rich data encompassing time-on-task, activity profile, and other relevant dimensions of the learner experience.
Align delivers actionable insights from your curriculum data. Traditional curriculum documentation is cumbersome and difficult to interpret. Align flips that paradigm, providing meaningful information to support good decisions through visualizations and carefully structured data. Visual insights allow you to identify gaps and overlaps immediately and facilitate complex communication with stakeholders. The ability to drill down into your data and switch between alternate views enables an intuitive journey through your curriculum.
Align drives continuous improvement. Too often, curriculum documentation simply sits in binders on the shelf once it is created. It is immediately out of date and revisited only as a fire-drill ahead of accreditation review. With Align, your curriculum data informs and evolves with continuous improvement. In conjunction with data from live course offerings, your curriculum maps precisely identify content, activities, and assessments for improvement. As improvements are made, a visual interface lets you seamlessly update curriculum maps and the underlying data.
Align makes reporting and accreditation a breeze. Our users have comprehensive, up to date curriculum maps and data and can generate complete documentation with the click of a button. More importantly, they go into the accreditation process knowing that their learner experiences meet standards. Align instantly produces the exact documentation your accreditor is looking for (and more). No more sifting through endless spreadsheets...definitely no more reams of paper in binders.
Accreditation review used to keep folks up at night. Align users sleep like babies, knowing that their courses were built according to meticulous curriculum maps, knowing that unforeseen gaps have been filled via continuous improvement, and knowing that their curriculum data is complete, up to date, and aligned to standards. When review time rolls around, Align generates the precise documentation they need with the click of a button.
Employers are prioritizing skill development to save on recruiting costs and create a well-rounded, cross-trained workforce. Align connects learner-level goals or objectives so organizations can close the skills gap and track employee skills. Competency mapping assists in identifying necessary skills for specific roles.
Simplify the process of aligning lesson plans to program standards. Our platform takes your district’s goals into consideration and allows you to track progress and share data via reporting. Your lesson plans can be adjusted as needed. We are focused on deepening student engagement and providing data to inform learning paths.
Ready to gain complete visibility over your curriculum mapping and accreditation planning? Request a walkthrough of the platform with our team.